Ex-Microsoft lead, 15+ years software development. AI / ML applications expertise. I can give you high level ideas to help you with your idea or project. Get advice from a battle-hardened veteran who also keeps up with the latest tech.
Ex-Microsoft lead, 30+ projects. Can provide you with expert advice about any software idea or how to best manage your project. AI / ML, SAAS, start-ups, offshore, cloud, growth-hacking.
Ex-Microsoft lead, Applied AI Architect. I can give you high-level advice about your AI project idea or software development in general. Veteran of 30+ S/W projects, as well as growth-hacking start-ups.
Ex-Microsoft lead with ads experience. Growth-hacked ecommerce sites to 8 figure revenue. Experienced in multiple digital channels. Can help you brainstorm revenue generation and help with implementation details as well.