event designer | strategic advisor | creator | author #EventCanvas | Event Design Handbook | co-founder Event Design Collective GmbH | www.eventdesigncollective.com
In a fast changing landscape, now more than ever teams want to learn how to collaboratively create shared experiences. They want to have fun by consciously designing for behaviour change using proven methodologies. The Event Design Methodology using the #EventCanvas℠ brings teams in a state of play to design. A user recently described the #EventCanvas as “a super helpful analogue system to track the past, organise the present + plan for the future”. According to the founders of the Event Design Collective, it’s now time to democratize design. We are driven to enable everyone to use this collaborative team approach to create events that consciously change our world in the desired direction of change.
Events are the most potent tool in the strategy toolbox to activate behaviour change in the desired direction of change.
The #eventcanvas™ is intended to stimulate the creation of a common visual language that can be used by the Event Owner and the Event Planner team. The canvas allows event owners to tell their event story in 60 seconds or less using a visual language.
Want to improve how your events create value? Delighted to connect.