MenuI start up and failed. How can I earn if I am not even brave enough to start up creating a profile that will allow people to recognize me?
I am a newbie, however, I dont know how to start up and earn a lot. I dont even have any mentors or coaches here. If someone can help me so I can start earning, that would be much appreciated.
The very early stages of becoming brave is through believing in oneself. Once you've confirm your confidence at personal level, it will be easier for others to believe in you and the services that you are yet to offer.
Good luck.
Everyone needs to take their first steps when learning to walk, and in order to learn they must have a desire and try first. Business is no different; you have a desire to build a successful business, but in order to get access to good mentors and support, you must first take the initiave and try. It is okay if you fail at first, as long as you learn from the experience and are determined to try again, armed with the knowledge of what not to do.
Building a good business plan is often the first step on the path to success and growth. You can do this yourself, without any mentors, training, etc - all that 'stuff' is just extra and you do not need it! A lot of people give up because they think they need a bunch of stuff to get started... Capital, a mentor, investors, inventory and more. The truth is, you do not need anything except a good plan to succeed at first. The other stuff comes later once you've built the foundation of your brand. You need to decide if you are invested in your plan enough to step outside your comfort zone, because that is where growth begins. If you aren't, then maybe your plan is not the right fit for you."
Menashe Avramov Head of SEO @ https://mysticsense.com
You will first do one thing that no one else is going to Support you except your self, and that's confidence . It is and only you . Tell yourself some motivation words like I can, I will, if others can why not me ??
Yeah you did!! You will not believe me if I tell you it is common, a lot of people who seem to be successful ot to have reached their success passed in that stage too.
Let me give you an example starting a business to stand still and grow may be like a toddler starting to stand, trying to walk by wall or when someone holds him but time by time the baby is able to stand all by self and walk alone then run.
And also do this , look around about your customers know exactly what is needed, who, where , when this product/ service is needed, study your market then start marketing to increase awareness of your deeds, think of innovation and creativity too to be able to compete with others. Don't forget to Pray hard at each step asking for guidance and Protection. God I faithful!!
I recommend many things for you:
1) Improve your personal self-image. You might need to use hypnosis to improve your subconscious self-image.
2) If you don't have good mentors, I recommend looking for influencers in your niche on popular social media platforms such as YouTube.
3) I also recommend you watch free YouTube videos on the various ways you can make money online.
Thank you so much.. I really appreciate your message. I will and can do this. I know. Thanks again.
Have confidence in yourself that's no 1, bear in mind that every one at the top of their Carrier started like you, be passionate about what you do because, it's that passion that keeps you going; passion never let you run out of ideas and keep seeking and learning from professionals.
Look. Starting is never easy, especially for a new person in a business. The best thing to do is to start networking around with people that are already relevant to the subject you look for and try to get information from them.
There are a lot of resources out there as well to check and if you are willing, I can let you know some. Just drop me a message if you wish for.
Nice answers from many people, but I think that you deserve a fair feedback on your request. While it remains subjective (at the end of the day, it is simply my opinion), my message will give you a different perspective.
Looking at your question and the following paragraph, I really wonder if you do understand what it takes to "earn a lot". It is way more complicated that starting a profile and getting a mentor. I suggest you start by planning to "cover your costs" for a first start up idea. It will already be a great success if you do that.
Second, If you do not have the courage to create a profile (whatever this really means), then I think you should start by being an employee and show some courage in that context so you can grow your self-confidence. You will always have time to work on your start up at night or during the weekends or at a later stage. Good luck!
Success is those consistency even when it seems like it is not working. You first must believe in you and believe in the product that you are marketing. Sell yourself first. How confident are you in the product you are offering? As a consumer would you buy it if you saw it in the market? If you would I know you would post it on Facebook book. Instagram and all the other media platform.
Use the same and promote your product
Professional engineering companies must need to understanding companies profile are critical so it up tp the CEO to decide ?
You certainly need an affordable mentor at your current level because you are going to need some supportive, step by step guidance. I suggest finding someone who is supportive, respectful, and patient so that you can build confidence as you learn and apply new skills to launch your business.
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