MenuStruggling on launching our beauty brand
Hello, I see that you need some help with your beauty brand.
I have Harvard University education and 15 years expert experience launching products for start ups businesses globally.
I can help you launch and increase your sales and exposure to the market as soon as possible.
Schedule a call with me and you won't be disappointed!
Thank you.
Nicholas J BSc (Hons) MA Cert Tesol
hi Yazid, I'm sorry to hear but good for you for realizing quickly that this is not working. The resons could be so many: wrong product, wrong pricing, wrong audience, wrong influencers, too high competition... It's worth jumping on a call for this kind of questions, happy to do so (and since this question was asked quite some time ago, happy to jump on a call in case other readers than Yazid might face the same issue).
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Is it viable to have two separate businesses (baked goods and a nail salon) in the same location? What challenges could I face?
Hi. I am a business coach and mentor and have started a number of successful businesses. There is no reason why you can't have two different businesses in the same location. There are two questions I would ask: Will the two businesses work to complement each other? Are there aspects of either business that will adversely affect the other? E.g. The smell of nail products/cleaners in the same area as fresh food products. Could there be questions of hygiene, depending on how the space is separated? I hope this helps give you food for thought. Regards RickRC
Netflix for beauty services?
There are plenty of similar videos on the internet that are free. Examine the market and offer your service for free because if you want to make money you need a plan and a strategy. What I can tell you from personal experience .subscribe is good source of income but only if you know do you have a good offer.i will be happy to speak with you request my professional consultation today. i have some ideas that are quite similar to yours so i would be happy to share my plan with you.DB
Would there be demand for a platform that connects beauty brands and beauty bloggers for sponsored posts/advertorials?
Beauty isn't my field -- not the cosmetic / fashion variety, anyway. But I see companies from other industries eager to pay bloggers for advertorials. So I assume that the same demand exists in the industry you're examining. I'd also imagine that such a database would make the process of connecting advertisers and bloggers much more efficient. If I'm right, then you have a promising idea. But you ought to be asking (1) the bloggers and (2) the companies who'd be paying to advertise. If they think it's a good idea, then you're off to a good start. Then you'll want to research existing platforms (if there are any) and assess your own readiness to build and market the service you have in mind. Good luck! P.S. If you get to the stage where you're thinking of a brand name for your project, talk to me. That is my actual field. So the beauty that primarily catches my eye is VERBAL beauty.JP
What is the best way to distribute a new cosmetic product to distributors and hair salons?
I am the founder of a cosmetic company that bootstrapped from nothing to a 7 figure business. It sounds like you are really at the beginning stages of business and there are a lot of opportunities for you. You've got a lot of work ahead of you and you need to build some infrastructure. Your brand is going to be one of the most important things to establish and you won't be able to sell to distributors, salons, or consumers without a clear message of what your company is about. When it comes to distribution of your product, you can either work with a distributor, sell directly to resellers, or sell directly to consumers. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. You'll have the most margin with direct to consumers - but you need skills on ecommerce. When you sell through a distributor you lose tons of control, but you can expand your reach quicker. You also have the slimmest margins; but you don't need to invest as much into sales. Selling direct to salons is a time consuming process; but you have more control of how your product is displayed, and the perception the consumer has of your products. So much of cosmetics is where your product is currently sold. If it's sold in mass market retail, no salon will want to carry it. But the direct answer of your question is you simply need to sell your product to anyone who's willing to buy it. Pick up the phone, hustle, and win over those customers.EB
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