MenuHow can I get client to speak to on Clarity?
I want to be more involved on this platform because i believe i have so much to offer
Whenever you write on Clarity keep in mind that they are not just reading but speaking your words loud and clear inside their head. Communication has three key aspects. Tone of the voice, Body Language and Words, on Clarity two are absent and one is present. Words play a vital role in virtual communication.
So, begin your journey with answering the questions in the best way possible and once you reach the stage when client wants to finally speak to you, you can check this link that would be a great help to you: https://www.hartfordfunds.com/practice-management/practice-management-strategies/communicate-to-connect/the-dos-and-donts-of-effective-virtual-communication.html
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
Are you wanting the client to give you a testimonial or start their own clarity account to offer services?
Welcome to Clarity!
I've found the best way to attract clients on the platform is to be active and engaged in the Questions/Answers portion. Be generous with your time, knowledge, experience, and insight, then people will book calls with you.
Don't forget to complete your profile so prospects understand your areas of expertise and can decide if you are a good fit for their needs.
Once you have a call booked, come prepared. You're a professional and people are paying you for your attention.
Good luck and I wish you the best,
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