MenuI've been fighting a charge from Barclay card and they allowed a charge from home advisor for $1000.00 I fought it and they put balance back
On my account. The following month the charges were absolved but I didn't get the credit back to my balance. I've been trying for over 2 years to get the money back. Is there any way to get attention from anyone I have the bill I just don't know what to do.
Please help me if you can.
Two years is a lot of lost time fighting over $1000.
The $1000 is only worth fighting over if the lost time involved could potentially less than $1000.
Most credit card terms of service only allow for a short window to file + resolve disputes... sometimes 6 months... usually 3 months... so it's unlikely you can get this handled through normal channels.
Alternative: If the $1000 is really worth continued time spend, then draft a letter to Barclay's CEO + all board members stating the problem + the exact resolution you'd like, which in your case will likely be a $1000 card balance credit.
Tip: In the future, use PayPal, where you can more easily dispute charges.
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