MenuShould I use ready to use software or a custom?
I am planning to develop my own job board software and found this ready-made job soluion : https://www.logicspice.com/job-board-software Should I go for this or create a website from scratch?
There are Pros and Cons for both the approaches . Build vs Buy is always a decision that requires considerable moderation
I am assuming that you are just starting your business , so with this assumption the following pointers may help
a) what is the value add you bring with your job board
b) what is the differential your job board will bring as compared to other job boards in the market
So you have to weigh in against the following
for Buy / reuse : no maintenance, can avail support , to some extent less effort and hence less cost
but then you will have a generic job board , duplicate of other job boards
For Build : Specific to your values,unique to represent your differential
cons: maintenance, support, cost and may be time to market
we can discuss this in detail if you like
Speaking from experience, when trying to launch a new startup company, testing your idea to know what works and what doesn't work is the most important thing. More often than not, the original idea you start off with isn't the right idea or really not what your customers may be looking for in your product. It takes a lot of time and iteration to truly learn what your customers want in a product.
Custom software is really expensive and "slow" to build and maintain and chances are that if you choose to learn what your customers like and don't like using custom software, you will burn through a lot of cash and time. It is best to reduce this cost of learning by using readily available solutions, learn from them and then when you have "cleaned up" your idea you can invest in custom software
I have some experience in this field. First of all, you would need a good website and a large number of people who would be interested in your product at least 10K in order to have a revenue of 100 people $ 50 = 5K profit
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I have a great app idea, and I need help bringing it to life.
I'm not sure if this is how you imagine this world to work, but at least according to the order you wrote it "raising funds" was first. In reality it should actually be one of your final steps of the stage you are at right now. It may even come after a year or two! So you have this great app idea, and you're looking for a place to start... Don't! Don't start yet before you decide whether you have what it takes to get into a roller coaster that can ruin your life and make you miserable! Not trying to scare you but I think most people only hear about these great success stories. They have this dream of maybe, possibly, becoming the next big thing... Because they have the best idea for an app... You don't hear about the failures so often. And even if you do, you don't hear about what the founders of these failing startups had to go through. Truth is you are most likely gonna fail. And I'm saying that without even knowing what your idea is. There are so many barriers on your way that even a great product with a great team is likely to fail. Some people would say "I'm not afraid of failing", "It's good to fail cause you learn", "Failing will make me stronger for the next startup". That's somewhat true but it doesn't mean that failing is easy. As oppose to what people sometimes say - you do not want to fail! It's very painful!!! You have to understand what failing in a startup means. You can work your a$s for 2-3 years, have little to no salary, waste other people's money (most likely your friends and family first), lose friends, fight with your partners, your family, your spouse, devote 20 hours a day for your startup all this time, forget about the little and big things you used to enjoy in life, and only then, after debating 100 times whether you should quit or not, you finally decide that it's not gonna work and you've failed. Disappointing your family, your investors, yourself. Trust me it is painful. Are you sure you wanna do this to yourself? If yes, give me a call. I have the experience you need! From idea stage, to proof of concept, to running beta tests, getting millions of millions of users in ways you can't even imagine, creating features and experience that will make these millions of users completely addicted and viral, raise money in a smart way, hire the right people, find a great co-founder, succeed, fail, be persistent, and enjoy the ride! Good luck, RoyRM
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