MenuIs it worthwhile to get into consulting on public speaking or time management?
My passion is to be public speaker and coach or consultant on time management and productivity. Does this have a good market? My target market is entrepreneurs and business owners.
I have the same passion as you and the first time i heard about clarity i asked the same question, because i wanted a way to impact other people's lives. I think clarity is good, and i think it can provide a lot of value to people, and you can actually build a business here because the market is good
Of course, there are a lot of consultants in that niche so you have to make yourself stand out. It definitely has a great market. Everyone wants to be more productive and manage their time better. If you can show people how to do that and simplify it for them there is plenty of money to be made. This is one of the better sites for building such a business. Linkedin Sales Navigator is also an awesome tool for this.
Having played both roles of public speaking and time management for many years, I can honestly say there is definitely a market for this. There are so many new entrepreneurs and business owners now and many of these folks say that time is their most valuable asset. If you can show tangible ways how an entrepreneur can save time and in the process become more productive/better at what they do, you will have a market to serve.
I think public speaking has more potential: https://brandongaille.com/14-fear-public-speaking-statistics/
According to this article, 3/4 people (75%) fear speaking in public. If you can coach people on how to get over this, you will most definitely fulfill your passion and chances are, you will find someone that has a fear of public speaking for your market fit.
I have helped people get over fear of public speaking as well. Let me know if you want to get on a call for some tips and pointers on ways to coach people to defeat their fear of public speaking.
It all boils down to how good you are at selling your services and finding clients. As others have said, there is a need for this type of service, question is whether you are able to convert that need into clients.
I would start by doing some market research on how to find potentials and how to convert them into real clients. Only after you have an idea how to do this and, the effort required, can you decide if this is really for you. There will be questions regarding your credentials and why you are so good at this. Also, do not forget the value-add for your clients, how will you ensure they are getting value for money (and that they are aware of it).
It is always worth pursuing your passions! If public speaking, or consulting is where your heart and soul are calling you to go, find a way to get there! Push hard, learn as much as you can, and pave your own road to where you want to go.
Good question, the answer is always in WHY DO YOU WANT TO DO IT?
So yes, a question is your first answer...if it's just to make money I wouldn't suggest it but if you love people's success and would want to come to a level where you can lead by example then it's a wonderful thing to do...I have had a career in this business for over 25 years...I can guide you- cheers, Eli
I have a great passion for public speaking and can tell you there is a market. I have my own public speaking business for the past 6 years. You need to find something you are interested in and are good at. I would suggest joining a toastmasters group. That is a group that will help you develop your speaking skills. I have been a member of toastmasters for 9 years. I will be happy to talk more about this if you would like.
I believe it is not required because any public speaking is made up of 3 elements, namely
1. Ethos (credibility or the speaker)
2. Logos (logic behind any conclusions drawn by a speaker)
3. Pathos (emotional appeal or ability to create connection between the speaker and his audience)
First, to be asked to share their thoughts, observations, and ideas publically a speaker should possess a certain level of authority and knowledge about the chosen topic (ethos).
To make sure that the message is received and understood correctly by the audience, it must be conveyed in a clear, informative, and logical manner (logos).
And to capture and hold the audience’s attention the speaker must first establish an emotional connection with the listeners (pathos).
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
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