If you do something well, never do it for free. That may be something you heard from your father or grandmother at some point during your childhood or adolescence, but it doesn’t really set in until you truly get out into the workforce. In other words, whether you’re an SEO working at a large firm or a small company, you’re not going to do projects just out of the goodness of your heart. You’re going to want to make some money. But the problem is…how exactly do you charge for SEO services?
I have found this site but does note help me so much.
Charging by keyword is an old tactic which can backfire since there is no guarantee how much time it will take to bring up a link on the first page. Getting new resources and pages on Google's first page has become highly complex.
I run a marketing agency and we have a lot of SEO projects running. We charge all our clients on the basis of work done on a monthly basis. If you will do good SEO work for a couple of months, the results will start trickling in in the form traffic and engagement. Use these improvements to prove your work.
You have built a site but what are you doing to get clients? Initial clients are the hardest to acquire. Case studies can be a huge asset when you are reaching out to potential clients. Look at some of our case studies to learn how to build some for yourself!
Good luck with your work!