MenuHow can I determine the right criteria when looking for a business partner?
I'm looking for a business partner that could work only on commissions based and would know how much would be a fair commission. I'm looking for an HR partner that could take care of relationships with clients, find new prospects, and set up the recruitment process.
Not sure how well you know the market you're targeting, but to best know what you need in a partner, get a strong handle on what the target market needs.
Who is your ideal customer? What pain points does she or he have? What is your solution to those pain points? Is it unique (so you need to educate)? Or is it a variation on an existing solution?
Once you have a handle on that and you validate it with potential customers, ask how their current providers handle the relationship. Dig into those likely competitors and learn what you can about their business models. What are their commissions based on? How do they manage the business while conducting business development? What's the most valuable aspect of the business?
If you wish to discuss, send me a PM through Clarity for 15 free minutes.
Wow. I too would love to find people that would be willing to handle all these matters and work on a commissions basis.
With the wheels back on the economy for the first time since the meltdown of August 2008, there is some hope that once again enough experts are doing well enough to take such roles.
However, may I offer a better approach? Let's assume for a moment that you are on LinkedIn and have at least 500 connections. If not, that should be your focus in your spare time. If so, reach out to your connections only, and tell them you are looking for a partner to take your business to the next level.
Tell us your strengths in two or three bullet points with a little detail, maybe 60 or 70 words for each, and remind them what your business does.
Then, when some recommendations come in, they have already been vetted to a degree by people you "know, like, and trust" and so reach out to each of the candidates.
Yes, there is more to it and I would be happy to talk with you. Reach out.
P.S. My last hire took a whole five minutes. If it is taking you longer, you are doing a number of things wrong.
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How do I structure a successful internal champion program for employee benefits?
A great structure is having an internal champion present on each team, unit, office, etc. that can easily provide answers to benefit questions. This structure is particularly important if the company is spread across several locations without HR on the ground in each locale. On the more proactive side, having the champions provide information through rotating monthly topics in presentation, newsletter, or dropping into team meetings can be extremely effective. For example, a champion might put together a January newsletter for employees that will be utilizing parental leave detailing the process and what they need to know ahead of time. Training of champions can take place through HR or existing champions that know company policies, engagement can occur through project management and implementation, and empowerment through the respect and gratitude earned. Internal champions are often looked to for management positions following effective leadership and project execution.AK
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