MenuCan you share some non-startup examples of a mini-resume that have been successful in getting business on Clarity?
The 3 examples currently given on the setup page are for some heavy hitters. Would be great to see examples from some more "normal" people who have successfully made money on the Clarity platform.
Related Questions
What does clarity do really well? And what could clarity improve on in the future?
Their phone system works really and simply delivers what is expected. I think having an availability time calendar would be very beneficial so that scheduling matches our availability. Being able to record calls and charge clients an additional fee for that would be great. Also, screen sharing would be good too.AH
How it is that clarity sends me an email about a subject I have been searching for via Google a few days after my search. Are you spying on me?
I'm a software developer at Clarity and I built the weekly digest email that I'm assuming you are referring to. I can assure you that we do not spy on you and can't keep track of what you have searched for on Google. The subject of the email is the first question shown in the email. The questions that we feature are chosen based on some internal factors, mainly popularity.VR
What are some of the Clarity.fm categories that are short on experts offering calls?
Given the other discussion about lack of females showing up as experts, perhaps a Ladies Only category might be of interest to some. Throwing it out there #itsachickthingKF
How do I contact Clarity support?
Hi! I understand that you want to contact Clarity Support. All you need to do is to sign in with your Clarity account. At the top right corner, hover your mouse on ME and then click Support. You will be directed to another page where you can click SEND US AN EMAIL link. Once you click that, you will be asked to open your EMAIL Application. For reference though, you can email them at support@clarity.fm. Hope this helps!AM
What is best way to get my clarity profile going?
Hi there, I know this can be a frustrating problem.. I've been on Clarity since 2012 when its creator, Dan Martell, invited me and several others to the launch event and asked us to sign up as experts. For the first few years, I had hardly any calls. Also, it seemed like only those in the IT startup space were getting any traction. This was frustrating for a small business advisor like me who mostly works in the world of bricks and mortar. Things started to change for me after a few key things: 1. I started to drive my own 'tribe' to call me on Clarity. This increased my reviews and call stats on the platform and I believe this made my profile more attractive to Clarity 'native' traffic. 2. Clarity has been growing its reach. I'm meeting more and more callers who are not in the 'online startup' space who found me on Clarity. 3. More and more of the 'online startup' people are actually creating real businesses and have real business problems that I can help with... meaning they're actually having sales, organizational problems, partner concerns, etc.. not just chasing Angel Investors with their ideas. 4. I started to regularly check for public questions I could answer and I know this has led to several calls. I hope this helps, If you'd like me to review your Clarity profile and give some specific direct feedback, just arrange a call. Thanks David www.DavidCBarnett.comDC
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