MenuHow can I find an overview of MBA programs based on their admission criteria?
For example: How do I make an overview of MBA schools that do not require a Bachelor degree or GMAT.
When I was applying to business school (ended up at NYU Stern), Poets & Quants as the be-all end-all for MBA insider info.
As a higher education professor, I understand that there are many types of educational choices surrounding the pursuit of an MBA. In order to study in a graduate level program, such as a Master of Business Administration (MBA), a student would need to have an undergraduate degree. The student could also do what is sometimes called a 4+1 program, if offered at a higher education institution, where an undergraduate degree is completed first, with (1) additional year of graduate level work. Each program is unique, such that certain prerequisite courses need to be completed for consideration in entry. There may also be certain admission criteria, for example, service, or GPA, dependent upon the program. I suggest making your own spreadsheet to compare programs and their accreditation based upon information you find on various program websites. If you are in need of additional perspective- let's have a conversation.
You can find a good discussion on the topic at the following link: https://find-mba.com/board/general-forum/mba-without-undergraduate-degree-52736.
Basically, if you have some very good work experience, you would not need a Bachelor degree to apply for an MBA in the UK. However, in other countries, you may need to have a Bachelor degree.
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