MenuHow should we manage affiliate payouts?
Let say we have a partner (affiliate) program, and every month we want to send payouts to our registered partners based on a shared revenue. We are based in the USA, and our partners can be in the US or anywhere in the world. How should we distribute those payouts? Should we send 1099 to the US ones? What about the rest of the world ones? Do we need to receive an invoice from the affiliates before we send payment?
1) Payment distribution. Use a system like Post Affiliate Pro or similar, which allows you to export a .csv file compatible with PayPall "Mass Pay".
"Mass Pay" cost $1/batch to process, so your Affiliates won't be charge normal PayPal fees.
2) You must send 1099 Misc forms to all people you pay more than $600/year. Failure to comply... well... Like the bootleggers in Oklahoma (where I grew up) use to say...
"Don't mess with the revenuers."
I suggest anyone with a US address, you require a SS or EIN number. Period. Do this during their signup process.
You'll thank me for this tip, as it's like pulling teeth to get this info at some future date.
Here's another trick. Defer asking for SS or EIN number till the first scheduled payment to each US affiliate. Then send an email saying payment will be issued when SS or EIN has been provided.
3) Don't ever wait for an affiliate to invoice you for their payment. This will create a mass of nonsense work for you + all your affiliates, which will rapidly sour your affiliate relations.
4) Sounds to me like you're new to affiliate payments.
You're welcome to schedule a call with me for information about how to select + hire an affiliate manager.
After you provide me with details about your business, my guess is I can recommend one of several affiliate managers which might take on your project, if their schedule permits.
When managing affiliate payouts for your partner program, there are several considerations to keep in mind:
1)Determine the preferred payment method for your affiliate payouts.
2)Establish a regular payment schedule to ensure consistency and reliability for your affiliates.
3)Create a written agreement or contract for affiliates
4)1099 Reporting for US Affiliates
5)To provide invoices before sending payments is a common practice.
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When you open a bank account for your corporation, you'll need to make an initial deposit with your personal funds. A shareholder's initial contribution can be recorded as either debt or equity. If you want to record the initial contribution as equity, you would debit cash for the amount deposited into the bank account, and credit an equity account, such as “shareholder’s equity” or “capital stock”. Alternatively, you can record the deposit as a shareholder loan. Debit cash for the amount deposited, and credit a liability account, such as “Loans from Shareholder”. There are also methods to bifurcate the contribution by recording a contribution as a combination of debt or equity.JK
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I'm going to answer you with my own experience. The way you mentioned to divide the expenses makes total sense and it's consider the "rational" thing to do. I have seen it work many times and it's what many would consider "fair". The problem (and this is counterintuitive) is that we are humans with emotions and we can't separate us from them. Once someone starts buying nicer things the "ego" hits in, also the "jealousy" and the competitive nature. This brings bad culture and a worst environment. I know you think "we are different", "it won't happen to us" but it actually does and it's not your fault, it's just our nature. My solution is the following. Treat the company as a separate entity from the three of you. So the company (not you) have revenue and costs. THE company can have expenses and they should be as little as possible to run efficient and lean. THE company has to create the most profits as long as it's in the same direction of creating value for their clients. Now, because the company has shareholders (you guys/gals) the profits it generates will go into your pockets 50/30/20. This is after your salaries, that depends on your place in the company and that is money totally entitled to each of you. The profits can be expended as whatever you want because it's like part of your salaries. You will think this makes no sense due that is just a "technical" step. But it's important to separate you from your company. Keep personal and professional in each side of the table. Hope this helped :) If you want to reach out I would be happy to talk. I have helped many family companies to also deal with this kind of issues. Have a great dayJC
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