MenuWhat are the general profit sharing rules that resonate well for long term relationship?
I am planning for partnership to expand my business. What would be a ideal deal?
Hi, I've helped people buy and sell businesses for years and have helped people dissolve and create partnerships and raise capital.
When you take on a partner, you're selling a piece of a business. Either the one you have now or the one you hope to grow into.
The question is, 'what do you expect your new partner to bring to the business and what will they need to get in order to justify the risks?'
People use the word 'partner' to talk about real partners, shareholders, investors, etc. You can structure debt arrangements, equity arrangements or combinations depending on what you want to achieve and based on what inticements you think you need to offer.
Give me a call to discuss the specifics of your situation and be sure to check out my reviews to see how I've helped other people with partner issues.
Profit sharing should be on the basis of:
1. Skills
2. Experience
3. Contribution to the idea
4. Contribution in the execution
5. Potential Contribution in (a) revenue and (b) traction
6. Initial investment
7. Future scope of investment
8. Industry relationships
9. Partnerships
10. Duties accepted & future duties/responsibilities
11. Degree of risk
12. Sacrifice for the business
13. Balancing factors
14. Happiness Quotient
15. Success Quotient
16. IQ
17. EQ
18. Science & Technology Quotient
19. Key Drivers (Secret Sauce)
20. Moral ratings
My team have developed a formula for finding out the right percentage of share to be allotted to each member. You may setup a call so that I can take up input and suggest the appropriate percentage.
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If I have 51 percent and my partner has 49 percent of our company, what real decision making authority would I have?
On paper you have the advantage but after several startups control resides in he who knows how to execute the vision of the company.HJ
I need partners to help my company launch. How many shares and/or how much profit do I offer to get them?
There are several factors to consider: 1. Profit share does not have to equal equity. As an example, two people can agree to split net profits 50/50 even though the percentage of equity is split 60/40. Just get it in writing. So find out their expectations for long term income and equity. Are they expecting a share of net profits or just the ability to recoup their investment when you sell the business? 2. What value do they bring to your business? Are they funding? Are they bringing significant contacts or the ability to secure contracts? Are they helping with infrastructure or product development? What would you pay someone in salary with no equity to do the same exact thing? 3. Are the short term or long term? In other words, once they help you launch, do they continue to have value in building the company? Or, are they no longer needed? There is no right answer to how you compensate them for helping you get started. But, try to look at all the value variables. Maybe that will help you identify what they are ultimately worth and what a fair, win-win offer would be. It sounds like they are very reasonable and you have a good opportunity to get their help for a reasonable compensation package. Good luck. If you would like to talk more about this at no charge, I offer a one time free call to new callers. Just use this link to schedule a call. https://clarity.fm/kevinmccarthy/FreeConsultKM
Finding a co-founder for a non-coder/developer isn't easy. At all. How can I find people interested in joining me in my new project?
What city are you in? Are you talking about your product or do you keep it secret? Finding a team is one of the most difficult parts. Make sure you ask friends of friends if they are interested. People often forget to tap their network to find talent. There are a lot of events that help find startup co-founders. Cofounders lab does a meetup group, you might want to check that out. Hope this helps.CZ
How do I setup a strategic partnership agreement without having to do a rev/profit share deal?
If you are really investing in a strategic partner (one that will provide mutual benefit in the end, either in terms of revenues, access to financing or other resources) then revenue sharing isn't absolutely necessary. In the partnerships I help to form, they are often around shared value (http://www.fsg.org/OurApproach/WhatisSharedValue.aspx) which means shared revenue isn't the absolute aim. What is the aim, however, is sharing information, knowledge, technical assistance, operational help, etc) and build a lasting framework for engagement together into the future that will benefit both parties. I am happy to help you negotiate these types of partnerships (it's what I do!) so feel free to get in touch.JS
How should I structure my real estate partnership?
I've been a commercial real estate broker for 5 years now and have ventured into a handful of business partnerships - some have worked and some have nearly ruined me. What I find, on a surface level, is that you must absolutely share the same VALUES and MISSION as your potential partner. Having even stake in the game also helps, as it avoids one partner eventually grabbing "the upper hand". If you are not bringing cash or equity to the table, be prepared to demonstrate how your hard work can be translated into $ value. If you have more detailed scenarios or questions, feel free to bounce them off me at anytime. Cheers! -S.SD
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