MenuHow are some ways that I can make money working from home online without any serious investments?
I am new to working at home online. I need simple ideas to make money online (no surveys) without investment.
I have invested money into a couple different online companies and seen no return, but it may be me. I am new so step by step is what I am needing. Any info will help.
Allan here and an online worker. You need to build first a portfolio which you can show to potential clients. I can help you out in building one so please feel free to contact me. Thanks!
The Cs...
Coaching - Giving people advice about how to complete their projects.
Consulting - Completing projects for people. For example, setting up a WordPress site. Managing SEO or Social campaigns. Freelance software development or project management or virtual assistant work.
Courseware - Convert your expertise into video course + sell your knowledge.
Google searches will turn up many other ways to work from home.
Hi. From my 15+ years of experience I have seen various ways how you can monetize while working from home online.
There are two major ways to do it.
1. You have some cash that you want to invest in other people business. As you mentionned you invested in some companies. Usually only one of ten investments in companies are profitable. But with the profit you earn you cover the loss of all the other nine investments.
When you invest in such ways it is good to have in mind to check the figures of the company, the team behind, their product, the market need for this product and then to decide. Usually it takes a long time (2+years) before the startup launches the final product and starts selling on profit. So be patient.
2. If you sell your services online. If you have decided to be a freelancer or a copy writer or doing other online services. In this case it is imperative that you subscribe for the respective online platforms which can generate leads for you. There are 4-5 major in every sector. If you "sell" yourself, than be sure to have a good web presence. No matter if you have a web page, or a FB profile, or LinkedIn profile - be sure to update them regularly, to describe and present your job.
As I am not sure which of these two paths exactly you had in mind with your question, I remain open for additional questions. We can even fix a time for a call where I can make your strategy in few steps so you know how to proceed further.
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