MenuHow do you know when you are giving off too much information to anyone?
How can you differ or understand when you are giving off too much information about your business, your product or your idea.
Does it come with experience to gain that "realization trait" or it is something which we should already know?
My experience with the different aspects of confidentiality ranges from military/government, through corporate R&D (at IBM Research) and as an executive in the private sector (as CEO and founder of a tech company).
Of course, if the disclosure of any details could do harm for anyone outside yourself or your organization (as is the case in government applications) - then the information should not be disclosed.
If the information is an idea, my experience has been that people are too worried about sharing ideas. I've had many situations where I disclosed the details of my idea in full, to people who have the resources to compete with it against me if they wanted, and I have never had anyone do that. To make an idea reality you have a thorough mental image in your mind of what the final product would look like, and chances are only you have that image at the necessary level of detail.
Regarding specific product information (when it is not publicly available) or quantitative business data (like forecasts): I have always been very careful with those, and only disclosed after signing an NDA. I also viewed the disclosure as a point of no return in the relationship, and assessed how much I personally trust the person I share the information with.
I'd be glad to chat further and provide more input based on the specifics of your debate.
-- Ran
If you talk to someone and they leave feeling like they know exactly what to do and how to do it, you gave them too much. To quote The Joker ' If you're good at something, never do it for free'
Even if it takes you 30 minutes to explain, it probably took hours upon hours to figure out. Time is money.
Presentation is the second step , plan or preparation is the first step. Any person you meet , even for a sudden meeting in next 5 or 10 minutes , take few minutes to answer these 2 questions for yourself,
1. what is this persons background ?
2. what can i expect from him ?
Now you have framed the context and automatically your presentation will fit into it.
All the best !!
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STOP. DO NOT DO THIS.... I would never want help from someone like you. Don't get me wrong -- you aren't evil (that I know about) but you don't seem have any value that I could pay for. What would you be "consulting" a CEO like me about? How do you expect to make my business better when you don't have a clue about your own business? THAT'S THE TRUTH... Fuck the truth. If you want to get clients then you hustle -- every waking moment. You try an angle and fail and then try a different angle. You can't outsmart your way to bigger results. 2 plus 2 does not equal 4 -- it equals you going bankrupt. If you want to be successful then you need to exert massive amounts of effort to get off the ground. So get your ass out there and start asking everyone you meet: "What is that one big accounting question that's been bothering you for some time now? If I can't help you i'll buy you a cup of coffee" Then just go be a badass...DW
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