MenuWhat do finance professionals want to know about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies?
I'm creating an “Intro to Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology” talk to help educate family offices and traditional finance professionals about the risks and benefits of bitcoin and blockchain technology.
I'm not a finance guy, so I'm curious what Qs people in this field have re BTC.
I have NO idea BUT...
Here's a couple of things I would do if I were in your position and trying to find out.
1. Look at the questions on Quora related to this topic.
2. Look at the questions and topics being discussed in LinkedIn groups.
3. Survey the people you intend to give your talk to before creating the talk.
4. Search for the topic using Twitter search and Facebook search.
5. Go to Amazon, search the words "Crytocurrency" etc. and see what books have recently been released about the topic.
6. Find a really popular website for finance professionals and ask to run a survey to their audience through their mailing list, website etc. re Bitcoin.
Use this survey info to inform your talk.
If I were to pick just one, I'd go with the last one.
Good luck with your talk.
Probably the most interesting aspect in Bitcoin or blockchain for finance folks is the concept of payment channels and how they work and how will that change the perception of cash flow and micro payments.
First, you need to understand which financiers you are applying to: bankers, investment bankers, financial directors of companies, insurers or project financiers?
But one way or another, there will be two main questions: How much will it cost our company and How much money will it bring to us?
Any technology should solve some problem of customers and solve as cheaply as possible. Then it will be in demand and the company will get a significant competitive advantage.
Meanwhile, the Crypto-currencies and everything around them can be compared to the opening of the Old World of America - We know that there is something there, but we can not yet estimate the scale.
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What are the different ways to make money with Bitcoin?
I've been into bitcoin since 2011, and here's my brief take on where the opportunity lies. - Mining: Bitcoin mining is too difficult unless you invest a significant amount of money into it, think over $10,000 ... and it only becomes profitable if the price of bitcoin does another 10X (which it may. - Mining: Altcoins may be the quicker path to profits (http://coinmarketcap.com/) ... mine some altcoins and then converting them to bitcoin through one of the exchanges like cryptsy.com - Buying: I am waiting for another price crash before I buy back into bitcon, I'm hoping it will drop to $500. I see it rising back up over $2000 if it does drop, however now that the Chinese are into bitcoin, its a real possibility that the price will just keep rising. - Arbitrage: The price difference between exchanges is massive. You can now buy bitcoin at btc-e for $1000 and sell it instantly at mtgox.com for $1200. If you had $100,000 to arbitrage with, that is a cool $20,000 profit. The probem is that these exchanges may go down at any time and you risk losing your money/bitcoins. -Startup: You could build something with real value, although the competition now is fierce to build a product with real value that has not already been built. VC's are getting hot for bitcoin startups, check out press on Ripple Labs, BTC China, BitInstant, Coinbase, etc. There are some other opportunities, like buying a bitcoin ATM machine from a franchise (Robocoin, Lamassus) or something a little more in the grey area like starting a bitcoin casino. There's lots of opportunity in cryptocurrency if you look hard enough, I feel though that the window of opportunity for massive profits and value creation is narrowing due to the eyeballs looking at the bitcoin world right now. So whatever you want to do, take massive action and do it fast before you lose momentum and first movers advantage.BM
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In what moment I inject capital to the startup?
The other answers are good, and here is one practical approach to handling this. First, the accounting capitalization (10m x $0.001 = $10k) is really irrelevant. In fact, we went for 10m x $0.0001 = $1k. Whatever you pick, your company after formation will show $X of assets (the cash in the back) and $X of shareholder equity. So far so good. You then need to start spending money through the company. Rather than issue more shares, you can lend the money to the company; write out a loan agreement (probably something like a balloon payment 10 years out with 0% interest) and deposit the check. If you're doing everything at the same time, and want to have $1k of shareholder equity with a total of $25k to spend, then deposit the $25k check and call it $1k to purchase the founder's shares and $24k loan. In this case, your company now has $25,000 assets/cash, $24k liability (to you) and $1k shareholders equity: assets = liabilities + shareholder equity. Hope that helps clarify things a bit...RF
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