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MenuSome of the rare skills that are required are as follows:
1. SEO specialist: It should come as little surprise that SEO is the skill at the top of this list. Some people like to believe that SEO is dead, but nothing could be farther from the truth. SEO is just as important now as it has ever been, if not more so. But there is far more to SEO than just getting your website to show up for certain search queries. Due to the changes in Google’s search algorithm, SEO practices are changing. Businesses are beginning to understand the importance of white-hat marketing techniques, such as content marketing and guest blogging, which are becoming a critical part of SEO success. Because of all the changes within the world of SEO, hiring a dedicated team of SEO experts has become darn near a necessity. Companies need a person or a group who can keep up with the rapidly evolving world of SEO. They need people who understand the importance of providing value to the customer in addition to the technical side of things. If you want to land a high-paying job within the digital marketing world, learn SEO and watch the offers roll in.
2. PPC executive/specialist: Another skill that is currently in high demand is PPC marketing. There are several businesses generating high amounts of revenue who want to expand their reach through paid advertising. The problem is, they do not know how to properly allocate that money to ensure that it generates a high ROI. That is where PPC marketing comes in. The goal of PPC is to help a company’s website reach rank #1 within Google by bringing in high quality, targeted traffic. In theory, this sounds incredibly simple. But in practice, this is one of the most difficult marketing jobs in the world. You must have a strong grasp of math, marketing strategy, and analytics. You also need to know Google Analytics and AdWords like the back of your hand. And then, you need to be able to develop campaigns that are providing measurable results to your clients, analyse those campaigns, and report on them. PPC is incredibly complicated, important, and high investment/risk. Which is why it’s also one of the best paying marketing jobs on the modern market. If you can effectively show companies that you know how to bring in targeted traffic through PPC for the lowest cost possible, you will be able to generate massive amounts of revenue for years to come. Organize your digital marketing ideas in one place across all the document apps you use.
3. Social media expert: Social media is one of the single most powerful tools in the modern marketing world. Over the past decade, social media has been growing faster than the Internet! And it is not slowing down. Nearly one-third of the population is currently using some type of social media platform. It should not surprise you that companies are looking to capitalize on this unique marketing opportunity. However, most companies, even many tech companies, simply have no understanding of how to leverage the different social platforms to achieve their goals. This makes social media marketing an invaluable skill set to learn and cultivate. And the thing is, there is a lot more to social media marketing than just promoting content on Facebook. If you want to set yourself apart from the crowd, you need to master each platform. This means understanding the best times of day to post, the types of posts that generate the most user engagement, and the ways to use each platform to achieve specific goals. And once you understand the basics of social media marketing, you need to understand how to leverage paid social media marketing. You need to develop an understanding of copywriting, colour psychology, analytics, and visual marketing.
4. Email marketing: There are few things that are more important to online success than email marketing. If you have a large email list and you know how to leverage it, you can make large amounts of income every month with almost no work. If you want to be someone who has employers knocking down your door, instead of spending hours and hours every day searching for new clients, learn email marketing. And I do not just mean writing emails that convert. I mean the whole process. You see, most businesses have no problem hiring someone who can write high quality emails that will generate a few conversions.
But there is more to email marketing than simply writing some fancy emails. Companies need people who can help them build huge lists from scratch and then use those lists to achieve a variety of goals. Building an email list of tens of thousands without an existing client base is an extremely challenging task. And if you know how to do it, you possess an extremely valuable skill. Beyond that, companies also need people who can use those lists to grow their social media following, promote new products, and drive new sales. If you can learn how to master the email marketing process from start to finish, you will have clients begging to work with you.
5. Mobile marketing: One of the most sought after, and yet most overlooked, skills are the art of mobile marketing. While there are plenty of similarities between desktop and mobile marketing, there are also enough differences to make this an essential standalone skill. To add real value to the company, you need to understand these differences and why they are important to the rest of the business. You also need to be able to talk intelligently about the more complicated aspects of mobile marketing such as SMS and responsive design. One of the great things about mobile marketing jobs is that they are significantly less competitive than SEO or social media marketing jobs but are still a huge need for most businesses.
6. Analytics: One of the single most important parts of digital marketing is analytics. You can learn all the previously mentioned skills, but without the power of analytics, you will always be fighting with one hand tied behind your back. In any marketing campaign, it is essential to run tests, track data, and then analyse that data to determine how you can improve and overcome marketing plateaus.
7. Content management/marketing: Content marketing is king. We live in the age of information. If you do not have some sort of content that is bringing viewers and keeping them hooked, you will fall behind. This makes content management and marketing a highly valuable skill, especially for start-ups. If you can learn how to curate and create incredible content for companies and then market that content to the point of it going viral, you will become one of the most valuable assets for those companies. If you can learn how to improve your social media skills, you will improve your content marketing skills. If you improve your abilities as an SEO, you will improve your ability to create viral content. Basically, any digital marketing skill you develop will improve your skills with content marketing. Because of the crossover between skills, mastering content marketing will give you invaluable leverage whether you are looking for clients or growing your own business.
8. Marketing automation: Companies need marketing automation solutions now more than ever. Marketing is not an inexpensive endeavour. Figuring out how to set up technology and software that streamlines the process as much as possible is an invaluable skill set. However, mastering the art of marketing automation requires a wide knowledge base and an understanding of several different software platforms. You need to learn the most efficient ways to automate email, social media, and content marketing, all without breaking your client’s budget. If you can do this, you will be able to ask for just about any figure you want. Most companies have no problem paying a top dollar to individuals who can save them money, make them money, and cut back on their workload at the same time.
9. UX design: One of the determining factors in online marketing success is the experience a user has once they have found your company. Potential customers want to be able to navigate through your content as easily as possible, enjoying an aesthetically pleasing and streamlined experience. In fact, customers will often base the credibility of an entire business on the design of its website alone. UX designers are responsible for ensuring that products, websites, and other online platforms are easy to use and provide the customer with a pleasant experience. Unlike most of the skills listed in this article, design is not solely responsible for bringing in new customers or generating leads. However, it is responsible for ensuring that all the effort companies put into other online marketing avenues is maximized. It does not matter if you are incredible at SEO, a social media marketing ninja, and an email marketing master. If customers cannot easily access, navigate, and use your website and products, all that effort will be in vain. And with the growing expectations of the modern consumer, this skillset is more crucial now than it has ever been.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
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