MenuIf a C Corp just launched a few months ago with a Dec year end, do they pay federal tax payments now or do they wait a year?
I'm trying to understand when a startup needs to start worrying about tax payments (assuming they are profitable). I'm talking about federal taxes specifically. Is it quarterly? Annually? Year end?
The IRS wants quarterly estimated tax payments based on an estimate of what the business will make that year. They want you to pay 100% of the previous year's tax over the course of 4 quarters or 90% of the current year's estimated income.
However, since this is their first year in business and they've only been operational for a few months it's possible to have your "under payment penalty" waived since it's their first year.
Their tax professional should be able to apply the waiver.
A U.S. C corporation is generally required to make estimated federal tax payments if the corporation expects its federal tax liability to exceed $500 for the year. For startup companies in their first year, if you are marginally profitable or have a net taxable loss, then you don't need to worry about estimated tax payments. The estimated tax payments are computed using Form 1120-W with the accompanying worksheets. The estimated payments are made each quarter throughout the tax year.
If your C Corp in US just launched a few months ago with a Dec year end, you would generally need to start making estimated federal tax payments on a quarterly basis. Estimated tax payments for a C Corp are typically due on the 15th day of the 4th, 6th, 9th, and 12th months of the corporation's tax year.
These estimated tax payments are based on the projected taxable income of the corporation for the current tax year. It's important to estimate your tax liability accurately to avoid underpayment of penalties.
Related Questions
I am a small business owner. Is it okay if I have the same person who does my annual tax return also do my bookkeeping? Is this a good idea?
If your concern is from an ethical standpoint or a concern over a segregation of duties, there is no problem at all having your tax person handling your bookkeeping. The bigger issue is something that few people understand about accountants. There are different specialties within accounting, and you should go to the right specialist for the right task. Tax accountants are experts in tax law, filling out tax returns and finding ways to minimize taxes. They must immerse themselves in the field to maintain their expertise. Financial accountants (which include bookkeeping) are experts in debits and credits and keeping all your transaction straight in your accounting software so that you can get good financials each month. Financial accountants have to immerse themselves in your day-to-day accounting so that they can keep it accurate and up to date. Full disclosure, this is the work that my firm specializes in, we don’t do any taxes. Because each type of accountant must immerse themselves in their individual fields of expertise, they don’t have the time to focus on the other expertise. Not that they are both not great accountants, they just have a different specialty. Here’s a good analogy. If you developed a heart condition, would you go see a neurologist? No, you’d go see a cardiologist. They are both outstanding physicians and know a lot about the human body, but the cardiologist spends all their time thinking about, studying, and treating heart conditions and is going to be the best equipped and most knowledgeable about treatments for your heart condition. The last point I’ll make is that tax work is very seasonal and requires incredible focus and incredibly long hours leading up to major tax deadlines. This is not only during the period from January to April 15th, but also leading up to major deadlines on August, September and October 15th. Companies I have worked with that used tax accountants in the past for their bookkeeping find during these periods their tax accountants are forced to put all other work besides taxes on hold until their tax work is complete. What often happens in these situations is that these company’s bookkeeping falls three or four months behind. This can be devastating for a small business that needs to know if they are making money or losing money on a very up to date basis. So my suggestion is to find yourself a good bookkeeper that can handle your books. Your tax person may even be able to suggest a good resource, and deep down may be glad to do so because her first love is taxes, not bookkeeping. My firm could likely handle the work as well. Hope my thoughts above are helpful and addressed your question, but feel free to reach out to me if you have any follow up questions.CM
Should I collect NY sales taxes for online marketing and web development services offered to NY clients?
Generally, the transfer of tangible personal property is the trigger for a sales tax event. In this case, it may be necessary to review the various aspects of a typical transaction to determine if any portion thereof would be subject to sales tax. However, generally speaking, receipts from the sale “Marketing”, "Media Placement Services" and "Web Site Networks" are not subject to State or local sales and compensating use taxes provided your organization does not sell or otherwise transfer any tangible personal property to its clients in conjunction with these activities or perform any services otherwise taxable under Section 1105(c) of the Tax Law in conjunction with these activities. (See, Advertising Agencies, Technical Services Bureau Memorandum, June 10, 1983, TSB-M-83(16)S. For additional guidance, you may also want to refer to Publication 750, A Guide to Sales Tax in New York State http://www.tax.ny.gov/pdf/publications/sales/pub750.pdf. I hope that you find this information useful. Shawn Powell Joseph Reference TSB-A-97(43)sSP
Should I hire a bookkeeper? (what does one do exactly?)
NIcole is right. When I first started my business I thought I was saving money by doing my own bookkeeping. It took me much longer than it would take a bookkeeper - all time that I was not spending on marketing or billable activities. And in the end I made errors which made the initial work of the bookkeeper longer. I now have a consistent routine. My bookkeeper picks up all my material monthly and does my books in less than 2 hours. Very worthwhile.RL
Are promissory note installments considered capital gains? I'm selling my website and would love insight on the financial details.
Yo are talking apples and oranges. Capital gains are related to your basis not the form of payment. If you are a cash basis taxpayer, you pay taxes when you receive cash beyond your basis. We can help you with structure.JH
If I get a virtual address for my company and I work from home; will I still be eligible for tax credit on my home office?
yes. As long as your main place of work is your home/office.JF
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