MenuI want to cater IT courses to people living with Asperger's & feel the administration of the community college I am targeting is not on board with it
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Why do you need them to be? Do you intend to deliver the courses under their name? And you feel they're not or they said they're not? Have you talked it over?
I used to work with community colleges on running a district-funded workforce program, and definitely had a lot of issues with administrators, faculty, etc. not initially being "on board." Most community colleges are underfunded/staffed, so people tend to be suspicious of "new" programs even when they're free! Are you asking the administration to pay for these IT courses, give up staff time, etc.? If so, you may need to come up with answers to those barriers (like offering to find grant funding or tying into an existing program) to make sure they don't see it as a demand for more of their limited resources.
If you'd like to strategize on specific ways for working with community colleges, feel free to schedule a follow up call with me.
I would get the newspaper or local media involved, pressure from there may do the trick.
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