MenuHi. My name is Areriel I am 18,iam hungry to reach my dream of being a marketing excutive only problem is I do not know where to start with networking
I have a passion for music and culture and I want to market and learn the art of rebranding in those areas I just do not know how or where to start besides being in college like I am
Hello Areriel,
It can be hard to know where to start at beginning. What I suggest you do it to start a blog about the things you'd like to be doing. Then start building you following on the social media. Use Facebook, Twitter and Google+ to connect and engage with industry professionals.
Go to industry events and connect with people. Make business cards of your blog and give it to them. Be interested in what they do and they will become interested in what you do.
If you're interested for a call, I can teach you exactly how you can connect with industry professionals online and offline. Just send me in advance the city you'd like to work in (I guess that's LA) and more info of what you'd really want to do.
This is my VIP link for a free call https://clarity.fm/martinzhel/inbound
I will be glad to help you out.
Help people. That is the best answer you will get. This looks like asking people what you can do for their business. Seriously call an executive and say, I want to help you make money, give me a shot. Then work your face off and don't read all the blogs you follow while at work.
I assume you want to do the work of marketing/rebranding, not necessarily be the "executive" who does management and stuff (which is boring!).
You said you like music and culture. The good news is that a lot of music/cultural organizations need help with marketing. Even local bands need help. You could approach it like a free internship - try and find people locally that you can help. They'll appreciate the free help, you'll learn a TON, and build a network and portfolio along the way.
Choose the top brands, companies and entrepreneurs you love, then work like hell to get on their radar for an internship. If they don't offer one, make one up for them.
Be persistent.
Most people give up too early. Keep calling and sending follow up emails until you get the answer you want.
Get experience.
Even if it means delaying or dropping out of university to accept a position. If you want to be in marketing (I agree with John Ramey re branding vs exec), having experience working in real companies on real challenges with fantastic mentors will be a far better teacher than textbooks and a significant capital investment in a degree.
Finally, leverage your biggest asset: your inexperience. People love someone who is young, full of energy and curious to learn.
Don't wait till you graduate. Start now.
Be bold. Do something unconventional. And I promise you Areriel, you will find what you're looking for.
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