We are trying to setup a recurring payment for a daily subscription for 7 days ideally at specific time or window (within 4 hours) every night. Paypal told they can't do specific time; however, it will be done at same time based on when customer signs up. Now few did occur as stated and few didn't occur. I will appreciate if someone has a recommendation of a solution
Hello there,
Stripe has a daily subscription plan option that you can easily integrate with (hint: our innovation platform at supports it out-of-the-box). While you can't tell it at which time of the day to process the payments, they would typically fall in (similar to your comment, but should actually work) around 24 hour multiples of the subscription creation time. I haven't tested this myself but, in addition, if you (programmatically) delay the subscription to be created within your time window, then the following daily recurring payments should also fall within that same time window.
Hope this helps!