This is a good question.
In addition to the good general answers given before me, I'll try a more practical one. Here are a few methods - they all evolve around finding a solution to a 'pain'/problem that people/businesses have:
1. Work/volunteer in numerous environments and ask yourself: "what can be improved?" or "how can they make more money?"
2. Ask people (or listen to them in daily conversations) what bothers them the most or what they'd like to improve/wish they had ("I wish I had...." or 'I hate it when so and so happens..."
3. Hand around with your nephews (if you have any) - kids aren't limited by reality, and often come up with some great solutions.
4. Check for trends in a specific market (you can use Google Trends and other online tools).
5. Read up on large industries that haven't been disrupted (changed) for a long time (just like Airbnb disrupted the hotel/rental industry).
6. Have ideation sessions with friends or co-founders - you play the 'imagine game' and each of you throw out crazy ideas (I intentionally used the word "crazy", because if you don't start with crazy ideas, you will all be confined to your conventional thinking).
There are many other methods, these are just a few.
I've helped over 300 entrepreneurs with their startups, I'm happy to help you (especially with validating your idea).
Good luck