MenuWhat's the best way to demonstrate my credibility & skills from my growth work at a recently acquired startup to growth specialists & startups in SF?
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Here are some of the ways you can do this:
Start a blog on the topic of growing a business. Make a YouTube channel and record yourself talking, write an ebook (Free or paid), be active on the social media (especially LinkedIn and Twitter), guest blog post for websites that are worth it.
Are you looking to engage in work for hire or be hired for full-time? If you're looking to be hired full-time, you'll have a much easier time talking to recently startups that don't already have a growth team. The best way to cover a lot of ground is to introduce yourself to VC Recruiters like Dan Portillo at Greylock. Did the company you worked for get funding?
If so, talking to your previous company's VCs and asking them for intros to specific portfolio companies that you think you could help, adds more credibility than a hundred blog posts.
If you're not looking for work and you simply want to stay on top of the conversation with the best in the business, look no further than Twitter. There are amazing growth people from the fastest growing companies in any sector on Twitter who are active, friendly and post great content.
Seriously, Twitter is totally undervalued when it comes to building relationships. One of my relationships with one of the most valuable investors in my angel round was built initially entirely from a Twitter conversation.
Write about your approach and spend time commenting in other Growth Hackers blog post & Quora answers.
Honestly, the fact that you had to ask makes me question your skillz? Just saying.
Growth hacker a typically very creative and already thinking about creative ways to insert themselves in the conversation.
It's probably harder for you since it's for yourself ( much like how you always give others better advice then you do yourself). I think you have the answer within ...
What would you tell someone else to do? Do that ;) #simple
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