


How can I get a cheap advertising agency to run a campaign to promote a product on an online space?

I'm a starter on the online space, trying to promote some product, but I don't have enough money yet to run my campaigns. How do i get a really cheap advertising agency to promote my product?


Lee von Kraus, Unique Insights, Creative Solutions answered:

I'd recommend doing it yourself using techniques commonly referred to as 'growth hacking'.

There are a lot of resources on the web to learn, but here is a very thorough and cheap intro: https://www.udemy.com/growth-hacking-masterclass-become-a-digital-marketing-ninja/learn/v4/overview (Sometimes it's only $15, but at the moment it's $30).

In summary, it involves using cheap or free tools and techniques to
1) Get visitors to your webpage (many different ways)
2) 'Activate' them (getting their email address and helping them take predefined actions with your product)
3) Retain them (getting them to be habitual users/customers)

If you'd like to discuss how to implement growth hacking in relation to your specific product, let me know,



Scott Colenutt answered:

The answer here is probably not to go for an agency.

Find a freelancer or consultant with the neccessary skills to work alongside you.

If you have a marketing plan, note down your name against any tasks you can do yourself and commit to completing them. Everything you can't do - find friends, family, interns or freelancers to help with.

If you haven't got a marketing plan, find a freelancer to help you create one as your first step.

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