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MenuContent is not only one of the primary strategy used by top businesses like the one you're starting out to generate millions of page views - automatically.
It’s also great for SEO.
To build a killer brand that people trust and recall.
To remain top-of-the-mind for your category of products.
To help you build a personal brand and a closer relationship with your customers.
In a few words, “content is king” as Bill Gates said.
But, Angelo, “how can I write contents that sell, even if you're not a natural writer?”
1- Don't worry too much!
You don't have to win the Nobel prize this year :-D
Focus on consistency first.
Write at least one post per week.
You can focus on add quality once you got your writing habit.
My first company was a group of online magazines that I then sold in 2013.
I built it with 0 dollars spent on ads, only badass contents that people wanted to read and smart marketing to distribute them.
2- Know your audience.
What do people interested in buying your search for on Google?
What are their major problems?
You can get all these insights in different ways:
1- Using answerthepublic(.)com
2- Check the subreddits that you know your customers subscribe.
Click on “Top,” and you will get a full list of posts that already performed well.
You can either improve them by adding something missing or take inspiration.
3- On Quora check for answers with many followers in your niche/audience.
4- Go to Amazon or other big e-commerce that sells your product.
Check for the review from 2 to 4 stars.
You will quickly start to notice some patterns, where people are complaining about the same things over and over again.
Or maybe something is missing or is not how they expected.
These insights are not only useful for creating contents around your products and category but also to understand better your customers and their struggles.
It's gonna turn back valuable to write any copy (for your emails, your homepage, ads, etc.)
When you write, do it like you're writing that piece of article to your ideal customer.
Give him a name.
What does he think about during her day?
Who he'd like to be considered? (Cute, successful, etc.)
Maybe they're only assumptions for now, in the future, especially if you built an email list, it's going to come much easier to get into the mind of your customers and using the exact words they use :-)
BONUS: When you will have 5-7 contents ready, you should implement an email sequence for who just subscribe to your email list.
How? A simple but effective way to do this is: Use MailChimp or similar software. Create an automated sequence.
Send a welcome email and your best-performing blog posts in the first five days.
On the 6th day send another content but in the P.S. give a limited time coupon or add scarcity in some way for one your most requested product.
On the last email restate that the coupon is about to expire :-) You're increasing sales automagically in this way.
BOOM by Cindy Joseph, Headspace, Pandora, and many other companies send this kind of sequences.
- Angelo (http://angelosorbello.com)
P.S. Don’t forget that distribution/promotion is as important, if not more, than writing the damn thing :-)
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