MenuHow can I derive a startup from my current project at my position with a global high-tech company?
At the moment I work in a global high-tech company. The project I have been working on for the last year or so has been frozen. However I strongly believe in this project and would like to leave my current position and create a startup off of that project.
I've registered multiple patents (filed, not yet granted) and created many products at work that I would like to take with me.
The best case scenario would see me getting a buy in from my current employer, and launching my startup with the IP licenses and work products I have available, as well as entering possible partnership with the company.
Which steps should I take to achieve…
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Early-stage Startups:
3 answers
9 years ago
First thing you should do is talk to a patent lawyer. Specially your employers lawyer.
There is something called "trade secrets" that are consider all the knowledge that you are getting and applying. This secrets could be used by the company to sue you later on. Be very careful before you start. Get consent (written) from them with everything you will be using for your project.
**Im not a lawyer and this is not legal advise. But you should definitely try to get some specially if the success is based on IP & patents
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