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Here are your options:
You can only compete with them If you're able to either:
A) Get a programmer:
- Either raise necessary funds to hire one full time. See my answer on ("When is the right moment to approach investors?")
- Use your own funds to hire a freelancer. See my answer on ("How do I get my game from Prototype to Demo?")
- Or convince a developer to join you as a cofounder for equity. See my answers on that topic ("Where do I find a co-founder to join my team?" --And-- "How and or where do I find a stellar Partner/CEO")
B) Learn how to program it yourself, and program it yourself
- Either have enough time and motivation to learn programming fast enough (could be very difficult, depending on how far along you are, and what you're trying to program)
- Or there are several methods you can potentially use (depending on the complexity of the app you need) to make an MVP without programming. For instance MIT App Inventor (http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/), or Marvel App (https://marvelapp.com/)
A) Either see if you can join the competition. If you contact them and can convince them that you have something to contribute, they might let you join the team. See my answer on that topic ("How do I approach a business with an idea?")
B) Or come up with another idea, and see if you can do steps A or B before someone else starts implementing the same idea
Send me a message if you want to discuss any of these, or other options in more depth.
In any case, I wish you the best of luck,