MenuCan any expert evaluate my website and suggest changes to get more page views to get adsense revenue
I have a website well written and optimized to search engines. But I am not getting enough traffic. Where is the flaw. I do not want to spend money on paid advertisements and I wish to get traffic in a generic way.
Send me the web link and I will take a quick look.
Best of Luck,
From the Trenches to the Towers Marketing
There are too many possible answers to this question, and none can be answered without dedicating a decent amount of time reviewing your site. I suggest hiring a web marketing consultant to provide an audit on your overall optimization efforts.
I'd be happy to do this at my regular rate here on Clarity.
I imagine you'd get the same response by any expert here.
Additionally, it would be prudent for you to review our own websites; we all offer this type of advice for free in our blogs and such.
If you're interested, we can schedule a call or message me to discuss next steps.
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I love what Lee said about being yourself but staying on message. And Ali was right: choose your goals then plan backward from them. Twitter is a tree: the more your water, fertilize, and prune it, the stronger it will be. Here are a few quick tips: · Actively prune inactive and spam accounts to keep the number of people you follow less than the number who follow you. · Talk to thought leaders, especially people who have more followers than you. Engaging them in conversation will put you on the radar of all their followers. · Give public "high fives." Compliment other people's work, writing, products, and thoughts, and 95% of them will like you. · Use TweetDeck to create custom streams based on the niches you're target, and Buffer App to schedule the delivery of new content. I have to use Buffer; otherwise, I'll sometimes forget to post my stuff! · Be yourself. I can't stress that one enough. · Keep in mind that bigger isn't necessarily better. Again, what is your goal? If you're trying to network in your industry, than a smaller following might be appropriate. If you're selling info products, then you'll need lots of people entering your sales funnel. · Have fun. I believe that people prefer to follow winsome people. · Stay consistent. Your following will grow steadily as long as you're posting steadily AND engaging people in conversation. · Be really generous. I believe that people prefer to follow generous people. · Go read one hundred blog posts about how to grow your Twitter following. By the time you're finished, you'll be the expert. Come back and teach all of us "experts" something, okay? AustinAC
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Creating successful (you define what this means) content online, no matter the topic or audience, is dependent upon research. Use online tools such as Google Trends, Google Suggested Search, Keyword Planner, etc., to discover what people are searching for. You can then use this data to create "buyer personas" - which allow you to build profiles of the different types of people that you want to consume your content. Once your buyer personas are accomplished, you can assign specific keywords and phrases to each and begin writing. If you're interested in learning the details of each, along with the next steps, I'd be happy to help! Good luck!JF
How can you start a blog and make it popular within a month?
This depends on your definition of popular, but I can help you out. You're not going to be getting thousands of hits per month, but you can gain some popularity. 1. You're going to need to publish two posts per week, so you better be ready to write. One for your blog, and one for someone else's. 2. You won't be publishing any "round up" content, like 10 best tools for "blank". You're going to need to deliver ACTUAL value here. 3. Make sure that the topic of your blog is first about something people are actively looking for online. User Google Trends to test out some keywords. 4. Use BuzzSumo.com to search for keywords of blog posts and check out how many people are sharing those. Take a look at the most popular posts and then out do them. Write an even more comprehensive and valuable post than that one. 5. Build your email list as quickly as you can. Use Appsumo.com and install their list builder app. 6. Provide a content upgrade for each post. For example, an eBook, a checklist, anything that relates to the value of the article you wrote. Exchange the free item for their subscription to your email list. 7. Email your list once per week with a new article you just published. Ask them to share it if they like it. 8. Guest post for the second article you wrote each week. Find popular, related blogs and pitch them a post idea. Link back to your blog, but to a landing page that specifically outlines the value of signing up for your email list. OR 8a. Link back to a landing page that gives away content bonuses that you mentioned in the guest post. 9. Run a contest where you give something away related to your blog topic. (don't give away an iPad if you're a real estate agent, you want to attract subscribers that have to do with your niche.) 10. Die from exhaustion.CM
Who do you first reach out to when you're starting a blog with no initial readership?
Are you already submitting your content to social bookmarking sites like Reddit and StumbleUpon? Those sites are great for gaining early traction. As soon as possible, start making a serious effort to convert visitors to subscribers so that you can rely less on social bookmarking sites. Make a list of the 20 most influential writers in the space and reach out to them. At the very least, they might share one of your posts. They might even agree to trading guest posts. Write posts that maximize outreach potential. The more people you can tell about your content authentically (e.g. "I mentioned you in my latest post."), the more pageviews you'll see.SM
What are creative ways to monetize an advice / self-help blog with good traffic?
Two things that immediately come to mind would be use of webinars, that allow for audience participation, covering a specific topic of interest to your audience for either a small attendance fee or as part of a premium subscription. I would lean more towards the premium subscription for the recurring income. The second would be to make regular book and audio resource recommendations from Amazon, providing your Amazon affiliate link to pick up the resource.CW
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