Which marketing strategy works better for professional services: Facebook page/Ads OR SEO?
Facebook page / ads (more appropriately SMM) *and* SEO should go hand in hand. There are many SEO tactics that are inherently unused and even unexploited in general.
When you go for online marketing, remember that it is not a process that you would out source it to a firm and forget about it till they get you results. It is called a campaign because it *is* one. Treating it as such will help you in areas that you had not previously thought of. In all mentions of your brand online, think of how it would affect your SEO. Hire online and optimize the job posts for SEO; when you post a job on a popular platform, a multitude of job sites copy your ads from different job platforms and these repeated mentions of your company improve your online visibility and website ranking, dont go for blog posts about you - go for news posts; news articles that even barely mention you give you great credibility and is a better way to spend your influence and money as opposed to ads and most of all when you get 8-10 news reports about you, go for a wikipedia page; wikipedia ranks in the world's top websites, it improves your visibility and SEO in ways no social media effort can.
Google's knowledge graph on the right panel that appears in searches is something even more visible than the search results. Optimize that. Google picks it up from your social media and wikipedia pages and if you dont have them properly set up, it wont show a knowledge graph for you, or worse, may show one about some one else with a similar name when you are searched up.