There are some types of B2B products that I'm interested to buy. Once sellers happen to have such products for sale they often use the internet to search for companies that buy them.
I want to create multiple landing pages for each of the product that I'm looking to buy, i.e. once a seller googles for a buyer for the specific product Google will show up my landing page. It's like this: (could be html too)
I don't want to pay for Google Adwords at this stage. So what is the best way to make multiple landing pages? Is there some software to make mass landing pages? What is the best way to avoid getting the sites marked by Google as spam?
This was a good strategy like 5 years ago and its not even considered spam by Google. Any CMS, from Magento, Shopify or Wordpress should do the trick. Remember that even if you have many pages GOOGLE will only crawls a certain % of them, so a healthy ratio of indexed pages/supplementary index is the trick here. The more trusted your site is, the higher the ratio. Also you need to figure a way to make any static content "Crawl-able" by adding reviews or comments of some sort. Amazon really does it well, that is why they rank so high.