I've been doing keyword research for a contracted establishment while i revamp the website. As I go deeper and deeper I am aware that 95% of the keywords I wish to rank well for and pretty much every one of the relevant long-term ones are wide open. Low to no competition as well as high monthly volume for all of them. None of my competitors sites are employing adwords and the competitors on the first page are just directories and random but semi relevant blog posts. None of the competitions establishments even rank til page 3 or 4.
In this scenario can I go crazy with optimization?
What do you do when all the keywords are low hanging fruit?
I'm a newbie but I've studied hard and it seems to me I have a goldmine here.
Your thoughts? What would you do?
Humble thanks,
DC Glenn
First of all, finding keywords that are relevant to your products or services is the first step in an SEO effort. If the words are not under high demand for advertisements, the keywords can be more cost effective as long as there is still sufficient search volume. In other words, you want to make sure they keywords are something people use.
The next step is a solid content strategy to employ the keywords in a natural way. I find the SEO Table at search engine land to be the best guide. You can find it at The key is to use the good practices, such as incorporating words in your articles and posts as well as URLs, and capitalizing on external sources, such as Social Media. At the same time, you artificially loading up on keyboards.