


How can I connect to mobile app publishers and marketers for customer development and usability interviews about app store optimization?

I am a user researcher in an early stage startup looking to learn more about how app publishers handle app store designs and copy optimization.


Joy Broto Nath , 🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍 answered:

App Store Optimization is a basis for the mobile marketing strategy and can positively impact the effectiveness and reduce costs of user acquisition campaigns. In the end, ASO is an important part of a global mobile app marketing strategy, and it can influence further development and improvement of product and providing the best user experience. The best way is to test different options and see what the users will respond to best.
You can read here: https://www.dotcominfoway.com/blog/interview-series-on-aso-daniel-of-thetool/#gref
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath