Talk from your personal experience only, if possible.
What I have experienced is people pay for valuable information. Hindsight is 20-20, right? So, I'm sure you have learned something valuable that other folks, especially newby entrepreneurs, would want to know.
First, build your list. It's your mailing list or distribution list. Not a list where you ask for something immediately, but where you offer something of value to those on it. They say that you have to be in front of folks at least 7 times before they'll buy from you. I don't think that number is absolute but the principle behind it is true. Folks tend to buy from someone they feel they know and whom they trust.
Secondly, turn what you know and what you're learning into a money maker. An ezine, quick-reference ebook (pdf), an audio can go from free to money making in a snap. For example, you can conduct a conference call, record it and then offer the audio for a fee.
Let's do the math, okay? I'm a! In order to make $1000, all you'd need is 100 folks who'd pay $10. You see where I'm going with this? The more your list grows, the more likely you'll easily make $1000month. And the more trusted you become, you can begin to increase your prices.
There's more I'd love to share. How about we arrange a time to go even further into the marketing aspect and list-building tips. Contact me at