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MenuI will fundable alone is not enough. Clarity, the start-up that connects experts with advice seekers for one-on-one calls, today announced a $1.6 million seed investment round. The round includes a lot of notable investors, all of whom are Clarity users themselves, according to founder Dan Martell, including Baseline Ventures, Freestyle Capital, Mark Cuban, Boris Wertz from Version One Ventures, Real Ventures, 500 Start-ups and more. Characteristics of Successful Crowdfunding Campaigns that would be essential to raise seed investment round are as follows:
1. They tell a story that prompts action: One of the most powerful things about crowdfunding is its ability to tell your business’s story. So, make sure you’ve got a compelling story to tell—why you invented your product, where your team came from, how your ragtag start-up will one day change the world. Do not just ask for money. Make your backers feel moved to want to become a part of your story.
2. Their founders have perfected their pitch: Your customers and potential investors are fickle—there are dozens of things vying for their attention and they don’t have all day to read your company history, flip through your brochures, or click through your pitch deck. Smart founders who close the most successful campaigns know that, and they approach their crowdfunding pitch with that in mind. That means touching on the points that are meaningful to their specific audience and doing it in an easily digestible format like short videos, infographics about market size, or a list of key facts about the industry. Above all, they keep it simple you want to make it as easy as possible for your target investor to connect with your story.
3. Their founders are active on social media: One of the most powerful things about crowdfunding is its ability to tap into the social web and spread faster and wider than would be possible through traditional methods like personally reaching out to investors or embarking on a road show. This rapid spread is possible because of tools like Facebook and Twitter, so it is a given that your business needs to be active on those networks and, ideally, have an engaged following well before launching your campaign.
4. Their founders already have large, supportive personal networks: The greater and more engaged a business’s personal network is before starting a fundraising round, the more likely it is to meet or exceed its crowdfunding goal. Fundraising success begins with tapping into this established fan base—getting friends, family, and existing customers informed and excited about your crowdfunding campaign before it actually launches. We recommend what is called a soft launch at least a month before kicking off your campaign, use social media, email marketing, and old-fashioned word-of-mouth to spread the word to this base without asking for money. Doing this will help get the word out and make these people more likely to back you later, lending your campaign some crucial early momentum.
5. They offer compelling rewards: It may seem obvious if you are considering a rewards-based crowdfunding campaign, but it is worth thinking long and hard about. Most backers are not going to decide to support your business simply out of altruism or goodwill. While a few supporters may pledge money solely to see your business succeed, most are going to be swayed by what they get out of it. Rewards come in all shapes and sizes but are most often a pre-order or discounted first-run purchase of the product you are raising money to create. Think carefully about your rewards tiers, always offer something at $20 or below, and be sure to encourage a larger pledge by bundling each higher tier with all the rewards that come before it.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
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