I have read a few of these questions and find I also had the same questions. Age is really not relevant being 65 myself but I realize that often a team of professionals and those that will mentor are priceless. Myself I have skills and knowledge but it is all based on OLD school experience and this is new and exciting. I have two marketing ideas for products and services that I have been developing over the last three years using OLD school techniques and now I wish to learn how to adopt to the new thinking I am finding here how best can that be accomplished?
I find your initial DQ a bit broad to provide you with a laser focused approach. Marketing has definately changed but the concepts remain the same. You ought to "hit the streets" with direct and social content so that your ideas and products are accepted then you help them get adopted.
Depending on the product the marketing could change to prioritize based ROI.
Give anyone of us a call to help you out more!
Or maybe post a simpler more specific question to help you out.