We're a non-profit niche social networking company serving a minority group. We are have a volunteer working on marketing our pending web social network app, however as CEO, I'm looking forward to hire an expert in web marketing tactics mainly to help make our launch a successful one.
The main role of the person is with helping us plan with our marketing strategies as well as helping us implement them. We are very hard pressed with resources, what's the best way to hire one which we can afford, at say a rate of $10/hr or even less. I really do not have trust in freelance websites because of the poor quality I've received from them so far.
I know what you mean about freelance websites. It's challenging to find creative people for low compensation.
A college-level marketing intern would be my first shot for your needs. Perhaps reach out to volunteer networks to see who might be available. Maybe you can source someone through a corporate sponsor.
If you can find young talent, or an experienced person just starting out in their own business, they might be willing to help. Good luck!