MenuI'm looking to get a $100 Million Dollar buyout, what numbers should I shoot for?
I currently have a successful info product business that brings in anywhere for 20-40 New front end customers a day. I'm going to use it to fuel a Facebook Ad Avatar Software and trying to figure out What kind of numbers I should map out to hit a $100 Million Buyout.
Extremely difficult question to answer. It will mostly be justified by traction in a certain amount of time. If you receive a huge number of users in a year, this will add multiples to your valuation.
On the flip side, if you are ten years in with steady growth, the multiples will not be as high.
Industry matters, as well.
I'd say $50 million a year in gross revenue will definitely get you a $100 million buyout.
I personally have always found that 9 figure buyouts are generally reserved for people who don't want to be bought out. In other words, if you build a business because it interests you and you have the intention to stay at it for the long haul, you are more likely to get there than if you try to build a 100M business.
When I was less experienced, the thought of turning down a 3Bn offer was crazy. Now, I realise that I love my company and what I do and really don't want to lose that. This thinking makes a better company - no cut corners, always thinking long term, always focused on what is best for my business and not what will improve its valuation numbers.
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I would suggest the first question to ask is "what problem do I solve?" And of those people I solve problems for "who do I create the most value for?" In the non-profit world you need to add "How does my business help the non-profit run better and/or help the group the non-profit focuses on?" For example, if you've created a platform that drives donations, your company "has created a platform that helps you reach fundraising goals faster." What you don't want to do is market and sell to B2B and B2C audiences simultaneously. They have different ways of buying - a B2B audience needs to have their benefits quantified (using your thing makes me x amount more) - and it's extremely hard for a startup to be able to do both well. Better to start with one, execute really well and move into the other. Feel free to give me a call and we can dig into who your most valuable audience is.AV
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