Fortunately, I have thought-leadership credibility in my niche. I've written for trade publications and been a speaker/panelist at conferences. The strategy I am leaning toward is to begin researching for a series of articles and conference presentation on a topic very hot on the mind of my niche (and 100 targeted prospects). In preparation, I could reach out individually to these prospects for their input on the article/presentation topic. That way I get excellent input and these decision-makers will also become familiar with me (and most likely view my website out of curiosity). Your thoughts on this approach or any other suggestions would be appreciated.
There are several ways: try being a volunteer key speaker at a trade conference. I, for example, will be doing a presentation at a Marcus Evens conference. They're waving my fees and covering my flight, but I still cover the hotel and food...but there's 50 top and upper executives in front of me for me to show off to.
Try a webanier...that may be a mixed audience but if its good and you're doing a series, word of mouth will spread.
Get on a radio show.
The idea of the articles is not bad, use the other platforms to meet and then personally solicit help directly, while still at the conference. There is always a meet and great time.