I'm more than open to having calls with Clarity but as a startup have liimied budget to allocate to coaching. Problem that Ifind is Idon't know if its a fit and don't have the budget to try everyone until I find the right one spending potentially thousands. I had a bad experience with an "expert" who offered no real value but costs $200. Any suggestions?
You've asked a very vague question - if you start out with a vague (aka poor quality) question you'll get a poor quality result.
There are all sorts of different coaches and consultants so it ultimately depends on what stage your business is currently, eg startup, existing profitable business with stable cashflow, existing business with cashflow problems, and what your goal is, eg get the business of the ground, grow the business, dig out of a cashflow hole.
To me is sounds like you need a more specific set of criteria and tangible, measureable outcomes before going any further.