PV Quiñones wants to live in a world filled with difference and understanding, where culture critical analysis and enjoying our culture aren't mutually exclusive.
As a cultural critic and leadership facilitator with 10 years of education and experience, she has worked with True colors conference (largest LGBTQ+ conference in the world) as a Counselor, has been a NCCJ'S Anytown Youth Leadership and Empowerment Counselor (civil rights and social justice youth camp), Action Creates Togetherness In Our Neighborhood (ACTION) Chairwoman and facilitator (running anti-racism, sexism, heterosexism,genderism, classism, etc workshops and discussions), the Feminist Collective of Santa Fe University Co-founder and Vice President and been a speaker at the National Coalition to End Homelessness DC National Conferance. She is a certified caregiver, with a soothing, calm voice and can walk you through any anxiety or pain related attack. She has been a company manager for Dollar general and currently a Managing Director for a Home Care agency for 5+ years and is more than willing to guide you through management difficulties and ethicalities.
In the Answers portion of this website, you might notice I give direct, tangible advice. I don't try to withhold much because I know my answers with help and I feel that giving actual advice is much better that giving you a runaround answer, asking you to call me for the full answer. I know I'm trustworthy and highly capable, so I aim to set that example in my answers. I can consult with you on any topic of your choice and hope you see the value in my direct, honest approach to coaching and advising.