
Growing Business & Teams | Increasing Sales & Revenues | Funding Options

Created 11 years ago in Business / Getting Started
Growing Business & Teams | Increasing Sales & Revenues | Funding Options

If you want to keep growing your company, department or practice area, you know that many paths can lead to success. Some paths will get you to your goals faster than others. Some will also be more likely to get you where you want your company to go. How do you do you’re taking the best decisions?

Increasing Revenues - Most clients comes to me with the same question: “how do we make more money?”. As you would expect, the answer varies for each company. The big themes we have seen work as solutions are:

• More effective sales processes, client acquisition, sales people and business developers
• More effective traditional and digital marketing
• More engaging brand and more inspiring thought leadership
• More exciting public relations and social media engagement
• More innovative revenue model
• Better client retention
• Better products and services

Other areas include:

• Social and Digital - how to maximize social and digital for the purpose of marketing, sales, PR, customer service, R&D and improving the workflow
• Innovation - discover strategies and technologies you’ve been missing on
• Business Modeling - how to generate revenue and profit
• Client Acquisition Cycle - how to generate leads and paying clients
• Communication - face to face, online and public speaking
• Marketing and PR - how to develop a powerful brand and communication
• Leadership and Management - how to lead a team to success
• Talent Acquisition and Development - how to attract great talent and build a dream team
• Strategy - how to balance your short, mid and long term strategies
• Sales and Negotiation - how to close deals and build a sales force
• Pitfalls - learn where others have failed

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