Founder Virtual Tour Maps. 3D Tour company. Google Trusted Agency. Travel Guide. Experienced in start-ups. All things Digital Marketing (email, websites, seo, affiliate, list building). Loacted in Sonoma Wine Country.
I built a $100,000 a year company from scratch (with no money) using only email marketing. I can answer questions on anything related to email marketing and sales.
I have built numerous websites over the past 25 years. I can help you with beautiful design and user experiences that result in responses and sales.
I get more done in an hour than some do in a week. I can share how to be most efficient with your time, tasks and schedule.
I have self-published two books (a how to and children’s illustration) and a variety of digital products (audios, videos, blogs). I can share how to go from an idea to completed book or publishing of any digital product.