Coach, Trainer & Keynote Speaker specializing in Service Management. I assist, encourage & challenge individuals and teams to become the best possible version of themselves.
The Service Profit Chain is a theory and business model evolved by a group of researchers from Harvard University in the nineties (among others James L. Heskett and Leonard Schlesinger). They have proved that there is a direct financial link between superior service experiences, customer loyalty, and financial performance (profit and growth)
In my book: Best! No need to be cheap if you are... I take you through each of the steps needed to create an outstanding service business. This is Inspired by the principles developed in the "Service Profit Chain".
In order to grow your team you need to grow yourself. Your personal development level sets the limit for how far your team or organisation can go. This is all about vertical growth - developing new perspectives as opposed to horizontal growth which is about new skills. A good coach can be helpful in this process. A call might be a good place to start.
I have worked with and experienced Mike on several occasions in the hospitality industri and every time he reminds me on keeping focus on the human part as a leader. Mike has a huge knowledge of the hospitality industri, but most of all to me he is Mr. Service Profit Chain, and therefore I give Mike my best recommendations.
Mike and I have a lot in common, he is very smart and talkative.
Mike has a brilliant mind and a huge amount of experience and energi wich has transformed me and all of my former team mates at Select Service Partner into more efficient managers. Mike is a 1. class coach who will make anyone GROW.
Grown Leadership – 12 week training that makes the difference
I have had the pleasure of knowing Mike for 5 years. He is a very knowledgeable and enthusiastic person, who is an inspiration to listen to as well as learn from. I had the pleasure of attending his Grow Leadership course which was a boost of energy as well as an adventure. He has ‘walked the talk’ which makes him give some genuine feedback. He will pass on all his knowledge and success to others as well as the failures he has experienced in life. If your company needs to improve the leadership skills and quality of service within your department, then Mike is definitely the person to help – and the team will come back revived and full of new ways of thinking through his ‘Service Profit Chain’
mike a réussi avec subtilité et efficacité a mettre en évidence une vision commune de mes partenaires et moi même et à determiner un moyen de la mettre en œuvre. je l'en remercie.
Mike combines personal experience with a deep rooting in theory on service leadership and understands how to adapt this to a specific group and make it relevant and motivating for them to go back and create results. Which they have done each time.
Mike is a very rewarding and enthusiastic person to work with. I have had the honour of knowing Mike for 4 years and he has never stopped surprising me with his huge knowledge and eager to constantly learn and develop even more. Best of all, he always wants to share all his findings and knowledge with others, in order to develop even more people. His way of combining 12 weeks of action learning with coaching, seminars, theory and everyday challenges makes people develop and change forever.
Mikes approach to his work is deeply rewarding. He is one of the most passionate people I have worked with - and he has so much to offer his surroundings, both in regards to his specialty, "The Service Profit Chain" and in regards to his winning personality. Mike is the kind of guy you quickly feel you have known for years - and in his company you feel lucky; things are never boring around Mike.
I have had and is still having the great pleasure of working with Mr. Mike Hohnen in the development of Hotel Koldingfjord. I have known Mike Hohnen for approx. 5 years and I have particularly benefited from Mike Hohnen’s enormous knowledge and formidable ability to engage in the world wide challenges and issues in the hotel and restaurant industry.
Mike Hohnen has not only become a solid and indispensible coach and friend to me and Hotel Koldingfjord, but has also become a very valued and trusted coach to many of the team managers at Hotel Koldingfjord.
In late summer 2010, we used Mike Hohnen for the training of all hotel staff in working with Service Profit Chain. We have already planned a major training program for 2011.
Collaboration with Mike Hohnen and his team is an adventurous journey that continually offers new experiences and new high potentials.
I give Mike Hohnen my warmest recommendation.
Peder J. Madsen CEO at Hotel Koldingfjord
Mike has worked with my team and made presentations regarding service- and trends within the foodservice area. The output has been excellent since the team has really challenged existing patterns and therby explored new possibilities. Further, Mike has been an important person for questions/discussions regarding issues in our business, he always has an example or experience to refer to.
Mike Hohnen har vendt op og ned på mit syn på eksterne konsulenter. Efter et halvt arbejdsliv har jeg været udsat for min del af udviklingskurser, teambuildingskurser og kurser i forandringsledelse – alle med den fællesnævner, at eksterne konsulenter eksercerede deres foretrukne modeller uden lydhørhed eller tanke for de konkrete forhold og udfordringer de stod overfor. Mike Hohnen gennemførte et ledertræningsforløb på min arbejdsplads, hvor jeg for første gang oplevede en person, der tog udgangspunkt i de problemer og udfordringer, der skulle løses, og først derefter fandt de relevante værktøjer frem. Endnu mere begejstret blev jeg under forløbet, da jeg oplevede Mikes åbne og nysgerrige sind og hans rummelighed og overblik. Der var plads til at inddrage vores egne tankesæt og metodikker i hans ”masterplan”, hvilket – for mig personligt – gav en helt ukendt motivation og uforbeholden dedikation til processen. Når man lærer Mike at kende, mærker man fra første færd, at her er en person, der ”har gået hele vejen selv”. Han har taget hele vejen fra bunden til toppen, og har prøvet med- og modgang på egen krop. Det er sikkert derfor, han har en fænomenal evne til at møde folk på lige fod, og få dem til at føle sig trygge i hans selskab. Jeg har sjældent mødt en mere videbegærlig og nysgerrig person, som også er begavet med et positivt sind. En person der får dig til at fascineres over det du ikke forstår. På det personlige plan har Mike en stor del af æren for at jeg fik nysgerrigheden og lysten tilbage til at begynde en videreuddannelse, og det er jeg ham evigt taknemmelig for.
Peter Øllegaard Administrationschef, Gl. Skovridergaard