I walk on stage, and am ready for the talk of my life. I've practiced for weeks, and I know I'm ready. And then, when I'm at the center of the stage, I realize why the audience laughs.
I look down... and see I'm naked.
What the F#? How did this happen!?
I wake up sweating! OMG! What was that?
We've all been there. Trust me.
People prefer dying to do a talk before an audience, so you're in a select company of pretty bold people.
I've been on stage since the age of 6, so that's over 40 years of stage performance. As a public speaker, actor, or moderator/presenter. I just love it.
And that love, with all its techniques and tricks, can be yours.
There are simple 'hacks' to get things easier. Like having the power pose of a winner, before going on stage, so you get your body ready for a winners performance.
Love to hear from you. Let's do this 👊