I help teach people on how to prepare for a life of financial stability and wellness to be able to enjoy life and get out of the rat race. I also help plan for emergencies BEFORE they happen, and especially to help people rebuild after tragedy. It's never too late to enjoy the freedom and joys of financial freedom.
Some topics I can cover are as follows:
-Career Planning, with or without a College Degree.
-Retirement Planning, and how to potentially retire early!
-Death in the Family, and how to prepare for it or deal with the aftermath.
-Real Estate, figure out creative ways to avoid brokers and their fees if you're in the market for a house.
Before you call me please be aware of this:
I am not a salesperson and do not intent on marketing specific products during our calls. I give general advice on the areas of topic above to help develop broader understanding of financial planning techniques. That being said before pursuing a specific product after consultation with me, please do due diligence and make sure the product is right for you and will be in your benefit.