You Are Your Brand.
If you don't have an established reputation, your credibility will be determined in a few seconds based solely on the image projected by your brand, website, or your business card. It doesn't matter if you have discovered eternal youth. You will not even get a chance to make your case unless your image projects the credibility of an established and successful firm.
Is your image working for you...or your competition?
Yes, you can buy an attractive logo/ corporate ID package online for a couple of hundred dollars. You can also win the Lottery with a $1 ticket. A logo is not a design that you hang on your business card. It is the visual representation of your credibility, capability and professionalism. It is also one of the few times in life where you can control your destiny.
Investing in a great graphic designer should guarantee you something that you will love. But like french fries, what you love is not necessarily good for you. The millions spent by large firms on image has little to do with graphic design. The fact that most successful hamburger franchises have red and yellow graphics is not a coincidence. It's also a fact that most designers have never thought of. The why something has to look a certain way is far more critical then just a great design. It is the foundation of your business opportunity.
Large firms first spend millions of dollars on branding their new products. because they understand that despite having huge marketing budgets and established reputations the odds of succeeding are very slim and without the right image, impossible.
Your image is the difference between your success and failure.