Culture geek. Executive coach. Speaker preparation expert. People-centric leader. Passionate about helping people find their next big thing and grab hold of it.
Are you missing casual chats in the office and being able to connect in the hallway? I have been leading remote teams for several years and can coach you on ways to connect and drive high engagement in a remote environment.
You know the feeling: your heart is racing and palms are sweating as you prepare to speak in public. I will teach you strategies to overcome your anxiety and deliver a compelling presentation. I coach everyone from executives to recent grads as they master this skill and become talented public speakers.
Does this sound familiar? 'If I just [got a new job, moved to a different city, landed a big client] then everything would be great. The reality is, those things won't help if you aren't in tune with your passion and purpose. I can help you cut through the clutter and focus on the change that will truly make you happy.