MenuGetting Press
Created 10 years ago in Sales & Marketing / Public Relations
I was an editor at The New York Times for almost 20 years, and heard a lot of terrible pitches. At my startup, clearhealthcosts.com, we've gotten a bunch of great earned media. How did we do it? Happy to share!
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Jeanne Pinder
New York, NY (10001)
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Jeanne is an accomplished, dynamic and creative media exec. She's currently CEO of clearhealthcosts.com, a groundbreaking digital startup bringing transparency to the health care marketplace by telling people what stuff costs. She volunteered for a buyout from The New York Times in 2009 after almost 25 years as a reporter, editor and HR exec. She built this startup by winning grants from @KnightFdn, @TKCuny, @IWMF, @FordFoundation. Writes a must-read blog about health costs, and also appears in Harvard Business Review, TheHealthCareBlog, TedMed etc. Named one of 14 Disruptive Women to Watch in healthcare.