My name is Jay Joseph and I'm a Sales Funnel Evangelist.
Why the fixation on the funnel? Because business is a broad mix of disciplines, so broad it needs rules to keep it in order. The sales funnel is that set of rules. Instead of worrying about buzz words like Social Media and Search Engine Optimization, you need to see how these rapidly evolving technologies are just different tools to maximize your funnel by: creating Need Awareness, Promoting Your Brand, Proving Your Value, Creating Customers, and Creating Brand Evangelists!
It's that last step step in the Funnel, Creating Brand Evangelists, that really excited me. And while I have extensive experience in all aspects of the funnel, that's what I'm here to focus on today.
Why the end of the sales funnel? The three simple words I live by: Return On Investment. Put simply, when your customers are happy, it supercharges your ROI in 2 big ways.
First, when you lose a customer, you lose not just every dollar they would have spent with your company, but also every dollar that their referrals would have spent, as well as all the time and money that went into acquiring that customer. It's a staggering waste.
Second, getting customers is hard. They won't ever fall into your lap, but referrals from Brand Evangelists are the next best thing: hot leads, and free ones at that. There is no better marketing than a glowing referral.
In short, if you make your customers happy, they'll make you money. There is no one more important than them.
If you feel the same as I do, give me a call, and I'll share everything I know with you.
I look forward to hearing from you.